King Herd – ‘King Herd’

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Hard Rock

Independent Release

Release Date – September 22nd 2023

Review by Smudge

King Herd have been rising pretty quickly from the sounds of it. Three singles were released this year all gaining airplay on major rock radio stations thus securing them support slots for Gun, Feeder and Reef plus festival appearances. They’re obviously doing something right. Hailing from the rock n roll capital of Birmingham King Herd show all the right influences to make them stand out from the herd (sorry).

They kick off with the single ‘Halo’ a heavy groove and catchy melody which highlights the fine pipes of singer Dave Taylor but I feel they are just softening us up and I was right. ‘Close To The End’ comes in with another fantastic melody before the first single ‘Remedy’ gets a little darker and dare I say it punkier. ‘The Same’ has a monstrous groove thanks to the mirrored guitar and bass line from Tom Longworth and Ray Loverock then Longworth grinds out the riff to ‘Somebody Else’ and we’re away on an alt-rock roller full of angst and passion. Crashing power chords introduce the stompy ‘Save Me’ which sounds huge before the arena-sized ‘Medicine’ gets your head nodding before the impressive power ballad ‘Like It Used To Be’. Shimmering guitars and Taylor’s understated voice give way to sheer controlled power on the chorus and after a just of couple plays you know this is going to be a future classic. ‘Another War’ brings a heavy groove that’s dark and sexy at the same time then finishing things ‘The Only’ starts with a bluesy acoustic intro before Longworth and Loverock come in with the riff and powerhouse drummer Karl Brazil backs it all up with his heavy hitting.

You know when music is good when it stops you from what you are doing. I was only tidying my office (wonders will never cease – Mrs Smudge) when King Herd’s album started playing and I literally just stood mouthed covered in goosebumps. Heavy riffs, great melodies, a punchy rhythm section and a singer with a great voice and extensive range. Let’s not forget excellent songs that are well-written and superbly produced. It’s all here! There’s a bit of grunge a bit of alt plus a shed load of melodic heavy rock which makes it all a fine mix. I want this year to be over simply from a musical point of view because there have been so many great records released this year that choosing my top 5 or 10 is going to be nigh on impossible, it’s hard enough anyway, but with these guys, She Burns Red, Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons, Pryma, Doomsday Outlaw just from the NWOCR all releasing phenomenal product. I’m going for lie down in a dark room!

Track List –

1 – Halo

2 – Close To The End

3 – Remedy

4 – The Same

5 – Somebody Else

6 – Save Me

7 – Medicine

8 – Like It Used To Be

9 – Another War

10 – The Only One


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