Review By Darren McIntyre Photos By Scott Anderson
Kickin Valentina are a hard rock 4 piece from Atlanta, Georgia who formed in 2013 and took their name from a fetish porn star who liked to kick her men in the testicles. The boys have given us Super Atomic in 2015, Imaginery Creatures in 2017, Revenge Of Rock in 2021 and have recently dropped their colossal new offering Star Spangled Fist Fight that just brings a new raw, edgier feeling to these boys, like most bands they have had some changes in personnel but they have remained on course to deliver their killer sound that we have come to know these boys for. Tonight the boys roll into Glasgow to bring an LA vibe with a twist of sleaze that will just excite the fine people of Glasgow, as the place fills up quite nicely the boys hit the stage and kick off with the gritty beast that is –

Sweat – From the outset we get a real sludgy pounding rhythm section that gets these boys rockin and a rollin as the place comes to life as these American rockers grab us by the short and curlies as we feel the energy pouring from the stage. DK comes at us with his gritty, melodic, dark vocals that let this track breathe as the boys hit us with a real rockin guitar riff that lets this track kick off tonight’s proceedings and let us feel the energy oozing from the stage. The full on bassline is hitting us with real cool grooves that fill every corner of the venue tonight, the boys are really up for it tonight and you can tell from the reception that we are in for a killer night, up next is –

Ride Or Die – This is a real grungy monster that comes in with a foot stomping, punchy beat that allows the funky bassline to wrap itself around us as this cool number hits us and hits us hard. The boys have hit their stride already as they look comfortable strolling around the stage as they up the tempo with one of their new numbers from their awesome new record Star Spangled Fist Fight that is a real crunching horns up number that lets you feel the boys energy as the killer rhythm section commands the room with it’s solid snare drum beats that have cool cymbal snaps that really give this track, swagger and depth, the place is really rockin as the boys thank us for coming out to watch them bring their sleazy rock n roll juggernaut to Glasgow tonight, up next is –

On My Side – We get a pounding snare drum beat that is echoing all round the venue as DK lets his rasping vocals get this killer track off the ground as the boys bring it. The shredding guitar licks are deep with a real edgy riff that lets this track slice open The Classic Grand tonight and deliver a real foot stomping funk filled track that just delivers the LA groove that we have gotten to feel tonight as the boys just kick ass. The edge of your seat gritty sleaze filled tracks are a real slice of the growling tunes that these boys deliver by the truckload, coming at us next is the awesome –

Man On A Mission – A mellow toe tapping intro with cool bass drum beats lets this track open and fly as the snare drum punches hit us straight in the face as this rocker comes to life. The soaring dark melodic vocals are flowing effortlessly through the Classic Grand as DK brings a real cool tone to Glasgow tonight, the bassline is dropping meaty funk grooves that work well with this killer beat as the place just lets these boys do their thing. The boys look like they are enjoying themselves as they bounce all over the stage and want us to enjoy ourselves as we rock out to these Atlanta boys as they deliver a real edgy groove that is just awesome, this is one of those shows that you can say that I was there when these crazy mofos rocked the centre of Glasgow and then some, the place is buzzing as the boys again thank us for coming out to watch 4 geezers do their thing as we roll into –

Amsterdam – The track kicks off with a real sludgy guitar riff that is working perfectly with a cool rhythm section that brings the depth as snare drum punches hail down on us. There is a real buzz about tonight’s headliners as they bring something different to us as we just bop along to this infectious groove that is building and building, we feel the raw energy pouring from the stage as the boys just take it up a notch as the place warms to these cool rockers as DK lets his awesome vocals lead this killer track as the boys just deliver a no nonsense rock n roll sound that just gives them a real edgy feel, kickin in next is –

Star Spangled Fist Fight – Coming at us is the lead track from their killer new album as cowbell hits us from the getgo as this searing monster comes to life and really brings the sleaze to us tonight. The gritty guitar riffs are hitting us as this awesome rockin track hits full pelt and lets the boys cut loose and really give it to us big style, the whole arrangement is a real sludgy rockin track that has depth, swagger, energy and balls that lets these boys do their thing, the gravelly vocals fit the composition perfectly as the place gets the horns up and lets us rock out to these Atlanta boys as they drop a gritty cool sound that leaves us wanting more. The place is really getting into these boys as they let their cool sound kick in the doors and really bring it tonight, up next –

Fireback – A real solid rocking beat erupts from the off as the boys shift into top gear as this rasping monster comes through and really lets us have it both barrels. The rhythm section is really hitting us with everything it has as the solid soaring snare drum punches catch our attention as we sing along to this real anthemic beast, the shredding guitar riffs are flowing freely through the track as the full on bassline drops killer funk tones that just give this track a nice sweet, edgy tone that is wrapped in the soaring dark, moody vocals that are just awesome as the echo all around the venue. The place is just buzzing with anticipation as these boys just deliver and then some, coming up is –
Turn Me Loose – DK chats with the crowd and tells us this is about getting out there and seeing what’s available on the scene which draws a huge cheer from this swelling crowd. The snare drum punches work well with the cymbal snaps that let the rhythm section control the groove from the back of the room, this is a real sing a long track that lets DK put the mic into the crowd and let them sing along with us tonight. The slick crisp guitar licks are really getting this track off the ground as we punch the air with joy as the boys bring their own brand of sleazy rock n roll to Glasgow tonight as we watch Heber offload with a real slick, clean solo that just pops as we bounce around to this real infectious number that is a stand out track for me, up next –

Dirty Rhythm – This is another track from Star Spangled Fist Fight that just kicks in the doors and lets us feel the rough gritty feel that is pouring from the outset. The cool gravelly vocals are letting the groove work well in this foot stomping rocker as the boys hit their stride and really give it to us straight, the snare drum punches are hitting us hard as the boys rock out and let their quality shine through. The bassline is handing us a real funky mellow groove that allows the track to flow as the bass kicks let the rhythm section deliver a real fist pumping beat, the place is really getting into the new tunes as the faces are smiling as we sing along to these ultra catchy rockin toones, coming at us next –

Takin A Ride – A cool funky groove oozes from the outset as DK lets his vocals do the talkin as this rasping monster punches us straight in the face with it’s gritty feel. The rhythm section is again commanding the room with it’s solid tones and killer fills that really lets this track give it to us, the shredding guitar riffs are really elevating this arrangement as we just feel the energy pouring from the stage as the boys are giving it all they have for sure. These are real sludgy tunes that are just grabbing everyone as they are just infectious rockin tunes that really tell us that these boys are here and here to stay as they slay everything in their path for sure, the tracks are short, sharp and to the point as they deliver edgy vocals and a real cool feel that is quite refreshing, up next –
Somebody New – DK kicks in with his gravelly tones that let this monster come to life as we get a real dark, mellow bassline that is wrapping itself around this killer track. The rhythm section is hitting us with real punchy snare drum beats that come armed with cowbell that just elevates this growling track to the next level, the boys are smiling from ear to ear as they are delivering a real cool set that will most certainly gather them some new fans for sure. This is a real sizzling LA style show that brings the glitz n glamour of the strip straight into Glasgow for sure, coming next is the killer –

Turns Me On – A real heavy ended guitar intro slides in as we get all funky and fresh with this foot stomping bruiser that really gets the juices flowing for sure. The gravelly vocals are just perfect as this punchy beast grabs our attention as we get all groovy and really let these boys do their thing, the shredding guitar riffs are just awesome as they let us know that these boys really appreciate us being here tonight. The place is rocking for sure as we just watch these boys do their thing as they deliver a real rockin groove that has plenty in the tank for sure as we get a slick solo that is fresh, clean and really gives it to us straight, these boys are riding on a crest of a wave at the minute as they are really bringing the heat to every performance that they do and are just on the money, next is –
Get Ready – Last but one comes in the form of this real banger that just kicks in the doors and lets these boys cut loose and bring the heat to a rockin Glasgow. The gritty rasping vocals are just letting this track do it’s thing as we rock out to this foot stomping classic that is fresh with a real raw edgy tone that is just getting us warmed up. The boys are really bringing it to us for sure as we just sing along to the chorus that is flowing evenly through this punchy number, the place is feeling the love from the boys as they want us to enjoy ourselves and feel the love from these 4 lads that just want to bring a smile to our faces, as we come to the last track of the evening we applaude these boys for putting on on one helluva show, we are hit with –
Freakshow – A real grungy rockin way to close out tonight’s show as we get a pounding bass kick that welcomes snare drum punches that let this rocker move. Rasping vocals are coming through as the boys finish off in style with a real kick ass bruiser that gets us throwing our fists in the air as the place goes mental for these Atlanta boys as they take us on the journey with them. The shredding guitar riffs are crunching through the venue as we feel the fresh full on groove flow effortlessly through The Classic Grand as we bid farewell to our brothers from across the pond as they finish us off in style.
Kickin Valentina –
DK Revelle – Vocals
Heber Pampillon – Guitar / BV
Chris Taylor – Bass / BV
Jimmy Berdine – Drums
Setlist –
Ride Or Die
On My Side
Man On A Mission
Star Spangled Fist Fight
Turn Me Loose
Dirty Rhythm
Takin A Ride
Somebody New
Turns Me On
Get Ready
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